Recent Concerts and Tours
NubaNour: (
28.06.2013, London
Rich Mix, United Kingdom
El Tanboura: (
01 December 2012, Paris
Institut Du Monde Arabe, France
23 November 2012, Dijon
Generiq, Atheneum, FranceInstitut
30 July 2011, Krems
Glatt & Verkehrt Festival, Austria
1 July 2011, Roskilde County
Roskilde Festival, Denmark (Zar music /Trance set)
Roskilde Festival is the largest North European culture and music festival and has existed since 1971. It is a non-profit organisation and each year, The Roskilde Festival Charity Society ensures that the profits from the festival are donated directly to humanitarian and cultural purposes. 5 members of Rango performed a special trance set of Zar songs on the new "Gloria" stage.
2 July 2011, Rudolfstadt
Rudolstadt Festival, Germany
Rudolstadt is Germany’s biggest folk, roots, and world music festival. The full 11-piece Rango line-up performed a hip-quaking set of Sudanese Sonic Voodoo.
3 July 2011, Hertme
Afrikafestival Hertme, Netherlands
The largest open air African festival in the Netherlands, Afrikafestival Hertme featured Stadd Benda Billi and Orchestre Poly-Rythmo de Cotonou, as well as Rango.